Strategies to Alleviate Stress for Dementia Caregivers

Caring for a senior loved one with dementia can be very rewarding. However, it can also pose challenges, especially if you’re the sole caregiver. Ensuring your loved one is getting their needs met is essential, but it’s also important to take time for yourself so both your physical and emotional needs are addressed. Here are some ways for dementia caregivers to manage stress and burnout.

Eat Nutrient-Dense Meals

Nutrition plays a vital role in health and wellness. If you don’t consume a healthy diet, you may be at risk for nutritional deficiencies, obesity, or even weight loss. Eating a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, lean sources of protein, healthy grains, and legumes can give you the energy you need to properly care for your loved one. The stress of caring for a person with dementia can also lower immunity. However, enjoying a healthy diet can minimize the risk of infections and keep anxiety and sleep problems at bay.

Ask for Assistance

If you have family or close friends nearby, don’t hesitate to rely on them when you need assistance. While you may be uncomfortable asking them to perform direct caregiving duties, asking them to run an errand, take your loved one to an appointment, or take on a household chore can give you a break to do things for yourself. If you don’t have family or friends, or if they live far away, hiring a home caregiver for a few hours a day or a few days a week can free up your time so you can focus on your wellbeing.

Caring for someone with dementia is both physically and emotionally demanding, and neglecting your own wellbeing may lead to burnout and increased stress. Fortunately, you don’t have to shoulder this burden alone. At Companioa by Institute on Aging (IOA), our Concierge Client Care service includes high-quality, compassionate dementia care management. Our licensed Care Managers advocate for families, offering personalized care planning, medical coordination, lifestyle assistance, and improved family communication. With our expert guidance, families are able to navigate healthcare complexities and access the best resources for their loved ones’ wellbeing.

Seek Guidance from Your Healthcare Provider

Your healthcare provider can perform a physical examination to make sure your stress and burnout aren’t related to health problems, while your loved one’s provider can recommend interventions and treatment options that may help your loved one better manage dementia. Keeping in touch with the geriatric physician is especially important if your loved one has late-stage dementia that causes acting-out behaviors, aggression, or combativeness. These behaviors can cause extreme anxiety for both you and your loved one, and they need to be addressed promptly.

Caring for senior loved ones with dementia can be challenging for families who don’t have expertise or professional training in dementia care, but with caregiver coaching from the Certified Dementia Practitioners at Companioa by IOA, they can learn to navigate the evolving journey of their loved ones’ dementia with expert guidance and emotional support. Families can benefit from home safety assessments, customized action plans, biweekly check-ins, and caregiver support groups.

Hire Respite Care

Respite care offers temporary short-term care for individuals whose caregivers need time to rest, attend work-related activities, travel, or take care of their health. A respite caregiver who specializes in dementia care can come to your loved one’s home and provide the support your loved one needs. Not only will you benefit from respite care, but your loved one may also enjoy interacting and socializing with new people and being in a different environment.

Families who are caring for aging loved ones with dementia can get the personalized support they need with Concierge Client Care from Companioa by IOA. Our three distinct service offerings—Personal Concierge, Caregiver Coaching, and Care Management—ensure the highest level of compassionate professional care management for dementia that’s tailored to each client’s unique needs. We can be your trusted partner, providing the expertise and attention to detail that will help you navigate the complexities of dementia care. Call one of our Connect Specialists today at (415) 750-4111 to learn more.

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